The Wheels on the Bus - A Classic Nursery Rhyme

"The Wheels on the Bus" is a popular nursery rhyme that describes the sounds and movements of vehicles as it travels down the road. The song is often sung with accompanying hand gestures and motions, making it a fun and interactive activity for children.

The rhyme begins with the repetition of the phrase "The wheels on the bus go round and round," as the bus travels down the road. As the song progresses, additional verses are added to describe the various parts of the bus and the sounds they make.

 For example, the wipers on the bus go "swish, swish, swish," while the horn on the bus goes "beep, beep, beep."
Children love this nursery rhyme because it is easy to learn, repetitive, and features simple, catchy melodies. 

It also helps to develop their language and motor skills, as they imitate the various movements and sounds of the bus. Overall, "The Wheels on the Bus" is a timeless classic that continues to delight and entertain generations of children.

Wheels on the Bus Lyrics